
Séminaire sur les évolutions sanitaires à Dakar

On August 29 2019 by Catherine Linard
Améliorer les statistiques de décès pour mieux suivre les évolutions sanitaires dans la region de Dakar Le 10 septembre 2019 à Dakar, Sénégal. Ce séminaire présentera les résultats à mi-parcours du projet ASSESS visant à fournir aux autorités sénégalaises et autres acteurs de développement des informations désagrégées et contextualisées sur les décès et leurs principales causes à Dakar. Read more...

Workshop en télédétection et cartographie urbaine

On August 29 2019 by Catherine Linard
Modéliser la distribution de la population pour la planification urbaine et la gestion des risques sanitaires Le 9 septembre 2019 à Dakar, Sénégal. Ce workshop exposera les résultats du projet de recherche MAUPP visant à améliorer notre compréhension et nos prévisions spatiales de l’urbanisation et de la répartition de la population urbaine en Afrique grâce à l’utilisation de la télédétection et de la modélisation spatiale. Read more...


On April 26 2018 by Catherine Linard
The MAUPP team will be present at the IGARSS conference in Valencia, July 22-27, 2018. Two papers were accepted for oral presentation in the session “Big Earth Data for Global Scale Applications II”: Forget, Y., Shimoni, M., Lopez, J-F., Linard, C., Gilbert, M. “Fusion Scheme for Automatic and Large-Scaled Built-up Mapping”. Steele, J.E., Nieves, J., Tatem, A.J., Forget, Y., Shimoni, M., Linard, C. “WorldPop - Fusion of Earth and Big Data for Intraurban Population Mapping”. Read more...

New paper!

On October 15 2017 by Catherine Linard
New MAUPP paper on a local segmentation parameter optimization approach: A local segmentation parameter optimization approach for mapping heterogeneous urban environments using VHR imagery Taïs Grippa, Stefanos Georganos, Moritz Lennert, Sabine Vanhuysse and Eléonore Wolff In SPIE Remote Sensing, Warsaw, 2017.

Workshop at ICUH 2017

On October 05 2017 by Catherine Linard
The MAUPP team organized a pre-conference workshop at the International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH 2017) in Coimbra, Portugal in September 2017. The workshop entitled “Human population patterns in sub-Saharan African cities: data and tools for urban health assessments” aimed to demonstrate the potentialities of newly developed data and methods in the field of urban population mapping and modelling for urban health decision making. Our broader objective was to meet potential users of our datasets in order to better design them to user needs and understand user learning requirements to inform our capacity building activities. Read more...

Understanding Risk Forum

On January 19 2017 by Catherine Linard
Catherine participated to the 2016 Understanding Risk Forum in Venezia (Italy) on May 16-20, 2016. She was speaker in a session on ‘Building a less risky future: how today’s decisions shape disaster risk in the cities of tomorrow’ organized by GFDRR & Stanford University. Her presentation was entitled ‘Modelling and forecasting urban population patterns for vulnerability assessment’.

JURSE 2017

On January 19 2017 by Catherine Linard
The MAUPP team will be well represented at the Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE 2017) that will take place in Dubai, UAE, on March 6-8, 2017. Within a special session on ‘Urban remote sensing for sub-Saharan Africa’ organized by Michal Shimoni and Eléonore Wolff, three papers from the MAUPP team will be presented: Vanhuysse, S., Grippa, T., Lennert, M., Wolff, E., Idrissa, M “Contribution of nDSM derived from VHR stereo imagery to urban land-cover mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Read more...

Global Land Project third Open Science Meeting

On January 19 2017 by Catherine Linard
Catherine participated to the Global Land Project third Open Science Meeting (GLP-OSM) in Beijing, China, October 24-27, 2016. She organized a session with two WorldPop colleagues on ‘Global High Resolution Population Denominators and Urban Spatial Dynamics’. The session was very well attended and included seven different talks that ranged from the methodological aspects of global population datasets to the quantification and implications of remote-sensing derived measures of land cover, specifically urban systems. Read more...


On May 07 2016 by Taïs Grippa
The MAUPP project will be present at the GEOBIA 2016 conference for an oral presentation.

From urban mapping to population modelling: current challenges and opportunities

On November 30 2015 by Catherine Linard
Public seminar This seminar is organized by the MAUPP project, and funded by the BELSPO STEREO III Program. ## Practical informations The event will take place on 13th January 2015, between 2 and 6 PM, at the Salle Solvay, Building NO, 5th floor (Campus de la Plaine, ULB - 1050 Brussels). Registration is free, but the number of seats is limited. An access map is available on the ULB website. Read more...