Modeling and forecasting African Urban Population Patterns

What Is MAUPP ?

The MAUPP project (Modelling and forecasting African Urban Population Patterns for vulnerability and health assessments) is a four-year research project (2014-2018) funded by the STEREO-III program of the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO).

The main objective of MAUPP is to develop models and forecasts to improve our knowledge of sub-Saharan African urban population patterns for a wider usage of urban population distribution datasets in vulnerability and health assessments. The MAUPP project aims to contribute to the WorldPop open access archive of spatial demographic datasets.

Built-up and population maps at moderate spatial resolution (12.5m) will be produced for 48 african cities and for five distinct years: 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. Very high spatial resolution built-up and population maps will also be produced for 3 cities: Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Dakar (Senegal) and Saint-Louis (Senegal).

Latest News

Séminaire sur les évolutions sanitaires à Dakar
On August 29 2019, by Catherine Linard
Améliorer les statistiques de décès pour mieux suivre les évolutions sanitaires dans la region de Dakar Le 10 septembre 2019 à Dakar, Sénégal. Ce séminaire présentera les résultats à mi-parcours du projet ASSESS visant à fournir aux autorités sénégalaises et autres acteurs de développement des informations désagrégées et contextualisées sur les décès et leurs principales causes à Dakar. Read more...

Workshop en télédétection et cartographie urbaine
On August 29 2019, by Catherine Linard
Modéliser la distribution de la population pour la planification urbaine et la gestion des risques sanitaires Le 9 septembre 2019 à Dakar, Sénégal. Ce workshop exposera les résultats du projet de recherche MAUPP visant à améliorer notre compréhension et nos prévisions spatiales de l’urbanisation et de la répartition de la population urbaine en Afrique grâce à l’utilisation de la télédétection et de la modélisation spatiale. Read more...

On April 26 2018, by Catherine Linard
The MAUPP team will be present at the IGARSS conference in Valencia, July 22-27, 2018. Two papers were accepted for oral presentation in the session “Big Earth Data for Global Scale Applications II”: Forget, Y., Shimoni, M., Lopez, J-F., Linard, C., Gilbert, M. “Fusion Scheme for Automatic and Large-Scaled Built-up Mapping”. Steele, J.E., Nieves, J., Tatem, A.J., Forget, Y., Shimoni, M., Linard, C. “WorldPop - Fusion of Earth and Big Data for Intraurban Population Mapping”. Read more...

New paper!
On October 15 2017, by Catherine Linard
New MAUPP paper on a local segmentation parameter optimization approach: A local segmentation parameter optimization approach for mapping heterogeneous urban environments using VHR imagery Taïs Grippa, Stefanos Georganos, Moritz Lennert, Sabine Vanhuysse and Eléonore Wolff In SPIE Remote Sensing, Warsaw, 2017. Read more...

Final Event

A conference and a workshop will be organized in Nairobi, Kenya, both to present and discuss the scientific results of the project and to demonstrate the potentialities of the developed datasets.

Conference (free registration)
Advanced Mapping of Urban Population Patterns
in Sub-Saharan Africa

30 January 2019
APHRC Campus, Kitisuru, Nairobi
Workshop (free registration)
Population Maps for Urban Planning and
Health Management

31 January 2019
APHRC Campus, Kitisuru, Nairobi